Monday, January 20, 2014

अहो, कसरी खिचिए होलान साना नानीका यी मनमोहक तस्वीर ? - onlinekhabar

साना नानीहरु यति सुन्दर हुन्छन कि देख्नासाथ उनीहरुसँगै खेलुँखेलुँ लागिहाल्छ । उनीहरुको अमूल्य मुस्कान र अबोध अनुहारका तस्वीर हेर्दा मनै प्रसन्न हुन्छ । साना नानीहरुको यही सुन्दरतालाई तस्वीर उतार्न हालै एक फोटोग्राफरले अनौठो तरिका अपनाएकी छिन् ।
चुलबुले नानीहरुलाई एकैचोटी आरामको निद्रा ल्याइदिन उनले हेयर ड्रायरको आवाजको सहयोग लिइन् जसले गर्दा उनीहरु छिनभरमै घुर्न थाले । मोबाइल एपको सहयोगमा उनले यस्तो आवाज निकालेकी थिइन् ।
उनीहरु निदाएको मौका छोपेर ४६ बर्षिय फोटोग्राफर करिन ह्वीलसायरले नानीहरुलाई बिभिन्न पोजमा सेट गरिन र मनमोहक तस्वीर खिचिन् । उनले खिचेका तस्वीरले ‘स्टुडियो चिल्ड्रेन फोटोग्राफी’मा अवार्ड प्राप्त गरेका छन् ।
Prop forward: Parents often bring in sentimental props for the babies to pose with, such as this rugby ball
Sweet dreams: Ms Witshire takes pictures of the sleeping tots' cute expressions as they dream during the shoots, which usually take around four hours
What a racket: Ms Wiltshire plays the sound of a hairdryer through a mobile phone app to the babies as she has found they are used to the noise from their mothers drying their hair
Maestro: The mother-of-two from Poole, Dorset, has now won an award in Studio Children Photography by the Guild of Photographers (GoP) for her work
Inspiration: The photographer first picked up a camera after the birth of her son 10 years ago
Talented: Ms Wiltshire started taking phtographs of newborns two years ago when she discovered she had a talent in soothing and calming babies in order to pose them completely asleep
Gorgeous: When babies go into deep sleep they start to dream and Ms Wiltshire says that if you wait you can be lucky and capture a fantastic smile or a gorgeous pout
Safety first: Ms Wiltshire has attended numerous workshops on newborn posing she can create the sleepy newborn art while making sure the babies are safe
Sleepy head: This tiny newborn looks angelic as is drifts off to sleep on a cosy blanket
Blissful: Many parents love watching Ms Wiltshire at work, and are amazed at how the baby can remain asleep while being moved into the poses
Snugly: Photographs of the babies wrapped up in blankets as they snooze are also a hit with Ms Witlshire's clients